Sunday, October 31, 2010

July 2010

Hello Again just a few posts behind so hopefully I can get the next few months caught up and be on track before our little guy comes!! July was a fun and busy month. We did some fun things and had some fun outings.

July 4th was a fun day. Unfortunately Angel had to work at 4 so we didn't get to have the evening with him but he made our day special by getting us some snacks and taking us to Towne Square, it's a shopping place that has a nice park and bridge over the water and a fun kids play area right in the centre of it, so we could have some fun with Olivia. She rode on some of the play things and went through the maze. It was pretty hot so we sat for a bit to have a cool drink and our snacks and then we headed home so Daddy could leave for work and I got some things ready to have everyone over for a BBq. So Papa and Mama and Tita Asia came over to Ate's house, where we are staying, and Kuya Randy BBqed some hot dogs and we had salad and apple pie and just had a fun little picnic. After that we went outside and Kuya and them had bought some sparklers and a few fireworks plus we could see some of the displays from the casinos so we watched fireworks and had some fun. Now Olivia was a little scared at first but she came around and seemed to really like all the pretty fireworks and she kept saying, "wooo" and "pitty" for wow and pretty!! So although we missed having Daddy there it was nice to be with family and enjoy our first 4th of July in Las Vegas.

On the 8th of July Mom and Dad had invited us to go to Lake Havasoo in Arizona for the weekend to stay at their time share with them so we went and it was alot of fun. It was really really hot though so during the days we just watched movies and hung out with family. In the morning we would try to get a swim in before it got really hot and then in the evening we would go for another swim but at night it only cooled down to 110.....crazy hot. We tried to do a BBq late one evening but it was still so so hot we just ate so quickly and then got back in the car to head to the time share to get in the AC!! We played some games and had smoothies and just enjoyed some time together as family.

Nothing else too special happened, it's hot so we don't go out to much unless it's to the store or somewhere air conditioned. We try to go to the pool as much as possible cause Liv loves swimming and it's a good way to stay cool. She is growing up so fast and is such a good girl. We are trying to start to look for a place of our own and hoping to be settled in the next month or two so we can get settled before baby comes.

Here are some pictures from the month hope you enjoy!!

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