Sunday, March 24, 2013

September and back to school we go!!!

Well although I am still not blogger of the year I am going to try and get caught up for the 2012 year and then do a much better job at blog bits and pieces of things as they happen so as not to get so far behind :)

September seemed to come up fast and so it was time to get back into home schooling for Olivia and I decided to start our curriculum all over again from the beginning as I started her a little early and thought she might get more out of it this time around. She really likes her school she likes the songs and calendar time, she is so good at memorizing her memory verses!! I have tried various things with her and she seems to thrive on worksheets and coloring and really enjoys her puzzles and painting. I am going to try and do a few more activity based things as those are great for Malaya and he gets to participate that way but if I don't give her some work sheets to do she says, "Mom we didn't do school today only played"....she is so funny!!

Other than getting back to school and in to our normal routine September has been a pretty good month all around. Angle is loving his new job and it is so great to see him enjoy going to work and coming home happy and not frustrated :) I am trying to work as close to 20 hours a week as I can as well as do school with the kids so it can be a bit of a balancing act and sometimes I forget that the kids have to come first and I just have to try and fit work in where I can. Angel is a huge help and will do the school for the kids or just take over our evening routine so I can get some hours in so he is sure a blessing and I love him so much for supporting me in all I am doing.

Here is some of the fun things each fo the kids have been doing and saying in September......


The things she says..

Olivia, "My side really hurts"
Me, "It does? are you ok?
Olivia, "yeah it hurts when I lay on a block"

"My name is Princess Cinderella, mermaid, Tinkerbell"

The things she did...

- We had her Dance Recital Party on the 2nd for all of those people we didn't want to see spend a ton of money to come and see her on stage for 2 minutes back in June, We had a cake and some snacks and showed her recital in the theater room of the clubhouse at our complex, she got flowers from Luke and from Daddy and some special things from Aunt Shirley and Auntie Candy!! She was dressed in her costume and we took pictures of everyone who came with her and she had such a fun day.

- Sept. 14 she started her new dance classes fr the next season but we are only doing it till November because December is such a busy month for us and we try to do so many family things and the show is the 23rd so that is just too much for us and her at this age.

- September 10th started school

- September 5th she was the flower girl for our friends Mark and Heather's wedding and she looked so beautiful and she did such a great job!!!

- had a couple of fun pizza play dates with Kameron, Brenner, Luke and Brody.

- September 28th went to her first football game at civic field to watch her cousin Brain play football and she loved it so we are going to try and go as much as we can this next season. Any time we get with Auntie Dana and Uncle Todd is always so much fun!!

- Had fun selling lemonade at our garage sale and we had 1 lady stop specifically because she saw Olivia selling lemonade and didn't even check out the sale but bought a few cups of lemonade from her!!!


The things he says....

"Pees" (please)
"pay" (play)
"I oh ewww" (I love you)
"ank ewww" (thank you)

- Had fun playing with the boys, Kameron, Brenner, Luke and Brody for pizza and play dates.

- He also really liked the football game at civic field and got really excited every time the cheer leaders would do a cheer or pyramid, he would cheer and clap!!

- Really into helicopters and airplanes

- Loves going to the library for story time and he likes reading and will get books and site and "read" on his own.

- He can now open doors and loves getting in everywhere, we also removed some of our safety gates and he is enjoying exploring all the new areas of the house he never got to see before!!

- loves eating anything as long as it is dipped in ranch dressing or ketchup and often ends up "painting" himself in the dip of the evening :) Crazy boy!!!

So over all we have had a good month and every activity we do whether it is groceries out as a family or lunch at the "little" Mc Donald's, having a family garage sale or eating at Taco bell and winking at each other I just love looking at this amazing Man and these beautiful children and feeling so blessed and so fortunate to have them and get to love them every day for the rest of my life, I often cry and get so emotional looking at these 2 amazing kids and I am just so thankful to God for allowing us to have them!!!

I posted some pictures from the month and hope you enjoy them :)

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