Saturday, September 29, 2012

Things to Remember About August 2012.

So August came and went really quickly it seemed and in my previous post I told you about some of our bigger outings and fun things we did but I wanted to do a little blog about the month and the kids and some changes for our family. I always try to figure out an eloquent way to do this but in the end point form seems to work the best so I guess that is what we will do here again.


-She Loves swimming and anything water related the pool and the water parks were a big hit this year. She can swim under water holding her breath and can swim with the help of a noodle.

- She has developed a bit of an "attitude" Talking back a little more which is of course expected since she is 3. She likes to tell her Dad and I what to do and loves being in charge of her little brother. I have to remind her she is only in charge of Olivia.....sometimes it is very frustrating however it usually is really funny and cute and takes a lot for Angel and I not to burst out laughing but to discipline her and let her know it is not OK.

-She loves shopping and so I have tried to do a couple of shopping days on days when I can take Angel to work and then just go to Target or walmart with the kids. After she always want to go to the little MC Donald's to play and she really loves their free ice cream cones dipped in chocolate :)

- She loves helping Mommy and Daddy and will often go with Dad to take the garbage out to help me transfer laundry, this month she helped me make a shelf.

-She is trying to learn new things and has been practicing skipping and although she has a skipping rope she insists on using her string from her beads to practice.

-She loves getting flowers from Daddy and so this month he brought her some pretty flowers and she got all sweet and cute and said, "for me?? oh thank you Daddy, I love them"

-Olivia is very social and loves it when people come to the door or say hi to her when we are out, she always tells the Jehovah's witness lady that comes to our door her memory verse and that she doesn't need to read us her bible because she has her her!!

-She is super particular and everything has to be in a certain place and she has to have certain things in bed with her and it can be a bit of an ordeal but it is very important to her so we try to respect that but not let her go crazy with it!!


- Is saying more words and has started say "pay" for play

- Loves to pray, he prays in time out and when the Jehovah witness lady came to the door one day and Olivia said her verse he walked up to her and says, " mine mine" then clasps his hands together and prays and then says AMEN really loud!!

-He really loves to go shopping as well and really likes the little MC Donald's (I call it the little MC Donald's because it has a play area especially for kids 5 and under)

- I know I keep saying he Loves everything but he really LOVES the water and has loved going swimming in the pool and also to the water park and will even swim in the bath tub.

-He also helped Mommy build the shelf and just loves to play with Daddy, who crawled right into the crib with him and Olivia.

- He loves to dress up in Olivia's things, her hats, her dress up clothes and putting on her bows etc, which of course Angel just loves :)

-He started brushing his teeth by himself so Angel and I will brush first then he goes over them again by himself and will try to get in the bathroom and if he ever does he goes for the tooth brush and starts brushing his teeth.

-He put "Noah" (his toy from his Noah's ark) in time out and then went and sat with him!! Too cute.

-He got his second haircut and sat so well and he looks so cute when his hair is a little shorter.

Our kids are both very loving and affectionate, but then again so are Angel and I we are always kissing and hugging them and each other so it is great to see the kids hug and hold hands and Olivia is always putting her arms around him. They seem to genuinely love each other, now they will still hit and fight with each other, but over all they really are sweet natured kids who say I love you and give lots of hugs and kisses with anyone and everyone who will give them back :)

They both love going to their "Sunday Class" and we all really like going to church and cherish our times together as a family, Sundays, even if Angel is working, are fun days because we go to church and then try to go to lunch somewhere and just have a fun family time. Grocery or shopping days or just a trip to the park or a dip in the pool is so much more fun when we are all together and I hope these are the things the kids will remember and cherish as they grow up!!

Angel and I are doing great, Angel started a new job at Fred Meyer on July 31 and now only works 40 hours a week instead of 50 like at Wendy's which is awesome and so much better for our family and if he does have to do overtime he gets paid extra not like at Wendy's when he was salaried. He loves it and is doing so great with it, I am very proud of him. I am still working form home doing my computer job and spent most of August getting the kids things ready for school for September.

That is about it for us and August!!! I have posted some pictures form August, hope you enjoy them :)

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