Sunday, October 10, 2010

March 2010 Olivia is Walking!!!

So here we go still trying to get caught up on everything that has happened over the past few months. March was a busy month full of lots of big decisions and lots of firsts:) In March we decided we are going to move to Las Vegas. Angel was unhappy with his job at the university and had an opportunity to be transferred as an assistant manager at Wendy's to Las Vegas so we have decided to sell some stuff pack some stuff and head to the desert. It will be hard as we have so many great friends and family here but we both feel it is important for Olivia to grow up with her "Mama" and "Papa" her Tito and Tita and her cousins all close by, plus if any of the zillion Domingo family out there ever travel to go visit anyone it's usually Angel's parents in Vegas so she will get to meet alot more of her Domingo family.

So with the decision made we started to have some garage sales, craig list sales and started getting things packed and ready to go. While all this was going on Miss Olivia started trying to walk. On March 1st she started by taking 2 or 3 steps on her own and was able to crawl up onto the couch by herself as well. By the next day she was walking from our couch to our chair, about 5 or 6 steps, on her own. She also thought this was a good time to start climbing into the chair by herself and standing up on her Mickey mouse train as well, not so good for Mommy's heart but she was pretty proud of herself I must say. By the 8th she was trying to walk more and more and venture away from her comfort zone of the couch and chair area and by the 13th of March she was walking everywhere!!! So exciting to see her upright and able to get where she wants to go but of course with boxes and stuff everywhere it made it interesting trying to baby proof and keep her safe:)

On March 21st our wonderful friends the Howlands and Meemaw and Papa threw us a going away party. It was so much fun to just get together with everyone and eat some delicious food and just spend time with the people we are so blessed to know and love. It was a little sad because you realize that in a few days you will be leaving all these wonderful people and you realize just how truly blessed you are, but it is exciting at the same time for a new start and a new adventure to begin.

We decided we were going to hire movers and so we spent the last week of March really getting everything packed organized and ready for the movers to pick up on the 27th. So the morning of the 27th our wonderful family and friends came over to help us get everything downstairs so the movers didn't have to come up flight of stairs which saved us some $$. Then we had some pizza and a little visit and this of course was the time we would be saying goodbye to some of our friends so it was the first day of many hard days to come. The movers were supposed to come at 4 and finally showed up around 9. We slept in the empty apartment on a blow up mattress we borrowed from some friends and then on the 28th we spent te day cleaning and getting the last minute things taken care of. Angel was so wonderful and while I went out for coffee with my awesome friend Rachel to see her one last time before we left he finished the whole apartment and made reservations for us to stay at a hotel in Bellingham so we could have a swim and relax a bit before we left the next day!! So that evening we went to the St. George's to drop off the air mattress and say our final goodbye and then headed over to the Howlands to say fair well and drop off a couple things to them. So hard to say goodbye to people who have been your family so long but even though we will be living far apart we will still be family forever. Finally we arrived at the hotel and got into our swimsuits and took Olivia for a swim and it was nice and relaxing. The next morning we met with Vince and Kevin for breakfast and to say good bye to them, again sad but of course we will be as close as always and are looking forward to seeing Vince in December for Christmas when he visits us in Las Vegas. Finally we met Jeff at the big lots parking lot for a final hug and goodbye and then we were on our way.....Vegas here we come!!!

The first night we stopped in Oregon, then the second night in Northern California and the last night in Southern California and then on the 1st of April at about 6 pm we arrived in Las Vegas ready to start our new life. The driving trip was great!! Olivia was such a good girl and we tried to stop periodically for bathroom breaks and just so she had a chance to walk around a bit. She loved it when we stopped at the rest stops and there were birds there. She would feed them her puffs and they would fly all around and she just loved it. We also played with bubbles which of course she really likes. She ate well and slept pretty good and every night when we stopped we made sure to stop where there was a pool so we could take her swimming and let her blow off some steam. She wasn't feeling 100% She was cutting some teeth but she still did great and was so excited to see Mama and Papa and her cousins when we arrived!!

So now our new life begins it's hard, sad and exciting all at once. I miss my friends and family so much but I am happy to get closer to Angel's family here find a church we can love and get connected to people and make new friends so with God's help and the support of all our loved ones we hope our Vegas life will be as blessed as our life in Bellingham has been.

I posted some pictures from March and a couple of videos of our walking girl!! Enjoy and there will be more updates soon!!

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