Monday, August 20, 2012


So our beautiful girl Olivia LOVES band aids. I don't know why or how it started and I have no idea if this is normal behavior but she loves having band aids on especially at bed time and then she takes then off and puts them in the little holes in her bed posts or between her bed and the wall.

SO we have bought her many varieties of band aids, strawberry shortcake, barbie, hello kitty, Disney fairies, neon colored ones, even waterproof spider-man and avenger band aids......but when we realized she was just taking them off and putting them behind her bed I decided to use our regular old beige band aids....they are only 88 cents at walmart.

So now at every nap and bedtime we are told about her sore knee or her hurt finger and we put on the band aids and of course when she gets up they are gone. The funniest part is when we decided to ask her about it, this of course when we saw they were gone and also noticed the holes in the bed post being filled with neon colored band aids, this is how the conversation went,

Us: "Olivia what happened to your band aids?"

Her: "I took them off"

Us: "where did you put them?"

Her: " between my bed"

Us: "why?"

Her: "because I am a silly goose!!"

Of course all we could do is laugh and give her a big hug!!! She is just too cute. So she loves band aids and we keep putting a couple on her for her naps and bedtime. Then every week I use the tweezers to pull them from her bed post and clean out from behind her bed.....the other day I took some pictures and counted them....she had 41 of them between the posts and between her bed and wall!!!

Crazy Girl!! Gotta love her!!

1 comment:

The St.George's said...

That is SOOOO funny!!! How random!!! That's so cute that you will have that memory of bandaids!